Oct. 2021 – Stuck in the Shuck Midge
Stuck-in-the-Shuck Midge This pattern was developed by Ed Engle. Being from the South Platte region of Colorado makes it necessary to be familiar with midge fishing. Midges come in many colors with cream, gray, black and olive the most common. The zelon looped over the abdomen represents the wing trapped

PWTU Teaches Fishing Skills to Lacawac Santuary Conservation Leadership Academy
Members of PWTU presented a program in basic fishing skills to the teenage campers at the Lacawac Sanctuary Conservation Leadership Academy. The campers reside at Lacawac Sanctuary for the week and attend programs related to Environmental Science. TU Members Don Strathy, Marina Swartz, Chuck Swartz, and Gene Shultz showed the
PWTU Presents at Greene Dreher Historical Society
Member of PWTU presented Basics of Fly Fishing and a Brief History to the Greene Dreher Historical Society recently. Click on this link to read about the presentation.