Fox Caddis

While watching a YouTube video of Kelly Galloup tying a Double Wing Caddis, I noticed a link to another caddis pattern

so I clicked on it.  It was an interesting pattern called the Fox Caddis.  The video was Davie McPhail tying the fly.  After watching I decided to tie some up.  If you google “fox caddis” you can find the link.

Hook :  Dry fly #14-16

Thread :  8/0 Rusty brown

Bubble :  2 natural dun CDC feathers tied in as a loop at the bend of the hook

Body :  Dave Whitlock’s SLR red fox abdomen dubbing

Wing :  Fine elk or deer hair

Thorax :  Same dubbing as the body

Antenna :  2 fibers of a bronzed mallard flank feather

John Lazar

Fly tied by John Lazar