July 2018 – Patriot

Patriot Charlie Meck developed an attractor pattern called the Patriot.  It was so named because a friend of his noticed that the pattern consisted of white, red and blue colors.  At first Charlie fished this fly by itself but later turned it into his number one fly to fish with

June 2018 – Ausable Wulff

Ausable Wulff The FOM for May 2016 was the Ausable Wulff parachute.  The “traditional” Ausable Wulff was originated by Fran Betters to fish the tumbling waters of the West Branch of the Ausable River.  He used the Wulff style to handle the conditions on his favorite stretches of his home water.  

May 2018 – EZ Caddis

EZ Caddis Mike Lawson of Henry’s Fork Anglers developed this pattern to fish the difficult waters of the Railroad Ranch.  The white post makes this low floater visible to the angler during the low light of the evening.  Mike ties two color versions of this pattern, the tan described below and olive.  To

April 2018 – Deer Hair Spent Caddis

Deer Hair Spent Caddis  A spent pattern is most likely one of the last imitations anglers reach for during caddis activity.  Usually a favorite emerger tie is what most opt for.  This normally is a good bet but there are times when the fish show a lack of interest in all your

April is a busy month -click for details

April 7 – Conservation banqet at Lukan’s 5pm cocktails 7pm dinner April 8 – River cleanup – 10am @mm110 picnic pool on Lackawaxen April 10 – General meeting – Speaker- Julie Pelletier From Brookfield Renewable April 14 -Trout season opens in our region 8am See calendar for more details
