Everything Emerger
Scott Sanchez designed this fly to take the extra critical trout on the Henry’s Fork in Idaho and Flat Creek outside Jackson Hole Wyoming. These streams are well known for fussy fish that demand a good imitation. As the name implies the pattern is used in different sizes and colors to imitate various species of emerging mayflies. The recipe shown here is for brownish flies but is easily adapted for other colors. The legs are formed by taking strands from the butts of the elk hair wing and tying them outrigger style out to the sides. The remainder of the butts are trimmed off and the thorax is dubbed around the legs.
Hook : Dry fly, #14 – #20
Tail : Root beer Krystal flash
Abdomen : Rusty brown dubbing
Wing : Elk hair
Legs : Butts of wing
Thorax : Rusty brown dubbing
Alan Bowers
Fly tied by Alan Bowers