
A couple of seasons ago fellow TU member Jay Cannavo told me that he was fishing and another fisherman was really having luck with a fly that Jay could only describe as “bushy” .  He asked me if I could come up with a ‘bushy” fly that he could use.  I looked back at the old pattern called the bivisable.  The pattern I came up with was named the G-gnat by Jay.  It is simply hackle wrapped around the hook.  To tie this fly start with the thread behind the hook eye and wrap back to the bend of the hook.  Next tie in a high quality saddle hackle with the good side facing the eye.  Next wrap the hackle in close turns up to the eye of the hook.  Make as many close turns of hackle as you can, then tie off the hackle and whip finish.  Try to make the fly as “bushy” as you can.  

Hook – Dry fly #10-20

Thread – 8/0 to match the hackle color.

Body – Saddle Hackle – I use grizzly, dun, cream and lt. ginger.

John Lazar

Fly tied by John Lazar