Stuck-in-the-Shuck Midge
This pattern was developed by Ed Engle. Being from the South Platte region of Colorado makes it necessary to be familiar with midge fishing. Midges come in many colors with cream, gray, black and olive the most common. The zelon looped over the abdomen represents the wing trapped in the trailing shuck. It should be tied thin with space showing between it and the body. It is not always possible to find suitable peacock herl. A good alternative is one of the several synthetic peacock dubs. Do not obscure the thorax by winding the hackle to thickly. A couple of turns will be sufficient.
Hook : Dry fly: #18 – #22
Shuck : Light brown or rust zelon
Abdomen : Tying thread; color to match natural
Wing : White zelon
Hackle : Grizzly or dun
Thorax : Peacock herl
Alan Bowers
Fly tied by Alan Bowers