Waking Caddis
Many times when caddis flies are on the water the trout will only take them if the are skittering on the surface. When this happens you’ll need a pattern that you can skate and add life like movement to the fly. I came up with a pattern that can be use to imitate this action, I call it the Waking Caddis. The secret to this fly, that allows it to wake is the way you trim the deer hair wing.
Hook – Dry fly #14 – 18
Rib – Tying thread (Use a long tag end when tying thread on the hook) I use light brown
Body = Olive or tan fine dubbing
Wing – Fine deer or elk hair. Stand up the hair almost like a post and trim leaving a large head. This will allow the fly to wake
Hackle – Medium dun hackle
John Lazar
Fly tied by John Lazar