Tilt Wing

The secret to this pattern is that the wing is not tied in as a post but instead is tilted towards the body of the fly. The hackle is then wound behind the tilted wing and under the butts of the deer hair wing, making it almost impossible to unwind. Kelly
uses coq de leon hackle fibers for the tail, turkey biot for the body and super fine dubbing for the thorax. Kelly use comparadun hair for the wing, use the best hair you can get to tie this fly. By varying the hook size and the materials used you can cover
any mayfly pattern you need The secret to this fly is the way in which the hackle is wound. If you Google “Galloups tilt wing fly” you can watch a video of Kelly tying the tilt wing. The pictures of the tilt wing flies shown are a Hendrickson and a mahogany.
uses coq de leon hackle fibers for the tail, turkey biot for the body and super fine dubbing for the thorax. Kelly use comparadun hair for the wing, use the best hair you can get to tie this fly. By varying the hook size and the materials used you can cover
any mayfly pattern you need The secret to this fly is the way in which the hackle is wound. If you Google “Galloups tilt wing fly” you can watch a video of Kelly tying the tilt wing. The pictures of the tilt wing flies shown are a Hendrickson and a mahogany.
John Lazar
Flies tied by John Lazar