Found Link
Kelly Galloup was looking for a pattern to represent a transitional dun, the stage between an emerging insect and the dun stage. He came up with a pattern that he calls the found link. He also found out that this pattern also could be used as a spinner pattern. If you Google “Galloup’s Found Link Fly” you can watch a video of Kelly tying this fly. The fly shown here is a Sulfur Found Link, you can imitate any mayfly species just by changing the thread
and dubbing colors.
Hook – Dry fly #14 -18
Thread – Color to match the natural 8/0
Tail – Coq de Leon fibers (tied slightly longer than normal)
Body – Deer hair with the tips extending beyond the hook bend overwrapped with the tying thread.
Thorax – Sulfur dubbing
Spent wing – Dun zelon
Wing – Fine deer hair
John Lazar
Fly tied by John Lazar