Goober Midge
Kelly Galloup has developed a midge pattern that he uses on the Madison River during the winter fishing season. Kelly says that this is the only pattern he uses when fishing a midge hatch. He ties this pattern in what he calls “thirds” meaning he ties this pattern in three parts. The rear portion of the fly is a thin body of black super fine dubbing tied up a third of the way from the bend of the hook. The second third consists of the under wing and the over wing, tied up to the 2/3 point from the bend. The last third is the thorax and hackle tied up to the eye of the hook. Try to keep the dubbing as thin as possible. Visit Kelly’s web site at the Slide Inn ( to watch a video of him tying this fly. I also tie the pattern in purple, using skeeter fuzz dubbing in place of the black dubbing.
Hook : Dry fly #18-20
Thread : Black or Purple 8/0
Body : Black or purple dubbing
Underwing : Micro lateral scale
Overwing : Fine deer or elk hair
Hackle : Grizzly one size larger than hook size. Cut a v notch on the bottom of hackle
John Lazar
Fly tied by John Lazar