Ausable Wulff
The FOM for May 2016 was the Ausable Wulff parachute. The “traditional” Ausable Wulff was originated by Fran Betters to fish the tumbling waters of the West Branch of the Ausable River. He used the Wulff style to handle the conditions on his favorite stretches of his home water. I remember tying this pattern many, many years ago when the pattern called for a tan body of Australian opossum. Later Fran changed the body color to a burnt orange color of Australian opossum that most Ausable Wulffs are tied with today.
Hook : Dry fly #10-18
Thread : Flo fire orange
Wing : White calf tail tied up right and split
Body : Burnt orange Australian opossum
Tail : Woodchuck guard hair
Hackle : Grizzly & Brown mixed
John Lazar
Fly tied by John Lazar