Deer Hair Spent Caddis
A spent pattern is most likely one of the last imitations anglers reach for during caddis activity. Usually a favorite emerger tie is what most opt for. This normally is a good bet but there are times when the fish show a lack of interest in all your tried and true patterns. These are the times another option is called for. The Deer Hair Spent Caddis can then be the fly of choice. During egg laying flights the female can become trapped in the surface film and during emergence there are always some that don’t make it into the air. When this happens tie on the spent and target the fish feeding on the helpless insects. Tie the wing on flat and split it delta style with figure eight wraps. Trim the deer hair butts short to form a small head or cover them with dubbing that matches the body color. Dubbing should be tied rough to match the bedraggled condition of the natural.
Hook : Dry fly, #14 – #20
Body : Dubbing to match natural
Wing : Deer hair
Head : Deer hair butts or dubbing
Alan Bowers
Fly tied by Alan Bowers