This fly was first tied by Harry Mason and I saw it tied in a video by Hans Weilenmann. It’s a little complicated to tie but I think it’s worth the effort. To tie the fly insert a hook into the vise and start the thread and wrap back to the bend of the hook. Tie in a sparse shuck of silver zelon, next tie in a tan goose or turkey biot and wrap the biot up slightly past the half way point of the hook. Next tie in an underwing of silver zelon, then tie in an overwing of two matched tan cdc feathers, after the cdc is tied in, pull the stem portion of cdc feather down and anchor them in with several wraps of thread. Next trim the stem portion of the cdc feathers to represent the legs of the caddis. Finally tie in a peacock herl and make several wraps to represent the head. Whip finish and you are done. Refer to the picture of the fly in the FOM.
Hook – Dry fly #14 – #16
Thread – Tan 8/0
Shuck – Silver Zelon
Body – Tan goose or turkey biot, or color to match the natural
Underwing – Silver Zelon
Overwing – 2 matched tan cdc feathers
Legs – Cdc stem portion of overwing
Head – Peacock herl
John Lazar
Fly tied by John Lazar