July 2012 – Madison Midge
Sometimes simplicity is the answer. While fishing the Madison in August 1992, I encountered a hatch of #16 cream colored midges. The fish were picky and refused most imitations I threw at them. Luckily, I had tied some flies recommended by Gary LaFontaine in his book The Dry Fly. Gary claimed that by tying Griffith’s Gnat in different color combinations in sizes #16-#22 you should be able to take finicky trout feeding on midges. He was right! Although this simple fly in no way resembles the natural to the human eye, the trout went for it in a big way.
Hook : Dry fly, #16
Thread : Cream or light yellow
Body : Yellowish cream
Hackle : Lt. cream – palmered
Alan Bowers
Fly tied by Alan Bowers