Despite its sparse appearance and the use of only a few materials, this Swisher/Richards, Mike Lawson popularized pattern is not an easy fly to tie. The size and placement of the wings is crucial to having it float correctly when fished. It is also , if not impossible , to describe the technique in writing. I would suggest that you check out this video ——Fly-Fishing-72413361 or come to a fly tying meeting and have John Lazar show you. On top of this the fly is quite fragile and is good few only a few fish before the wing becomes frayed. However, its effectiveness on difficult or heavily fished trout and its ability to be tied in many sizes and colors make if a fly you might want to include in your box.
Hook — Light wire dry fly
Body — Synthetic dubbing
Wing — Matched duck quill segments
Tail — Spade hackle fibers or Fibbetts
Alan Bowers
Fly Tied by John Lazar