The Usual is a Fran Betters creation out of the Adirondack Region of New York. Most of Fran’s patterns have a few common characteristics and this is no exception. It is buggy-almost scruffy , requires few materials, and is rather monotone save for the accent thread. Not exactly stunning patterns but man do they catch fish.

The Usual, and Fran’s other pattern–its cousin the Haystack, are cemented in history as being high floating, maintenance-free fish catchers able to succeed during most hatches, or in between hatches. They are obvious precursors to the modern Catskill pattern the Comparadun.

The Usual differs from the Haystack and Comparadun in its utilization of snowshoe hare’s foot as the only component of its construction. Snowshoe is a wonderful material with all the qualities of deer hair and CDC and none of their shortcomings. The stuff will float forever without dressing, and if dressed or slimed it will still float. The hair fibers will not bend, crimp or collapse and it takes color well. It can also be dubbed!

To boot: the fly is cake to tie!

Hook: Partridge SLD
Thread: Fire Orange 6/0
Wing: Snowshoe Hare fur from toe of foot.
Tail: Same as wing
Body: Snowshoe Hare fur from heel of foot