April 2024 Fly of the Month – Dark Caddis Variant

Dark Caddis Variant This fly is one of a series devised by Chuck Stranahan of Hamilton Montana.  By changing body, wing and hackle color this style can be used to imitate most caddis adults.  The innovative part of this pattern is the white overwing.  Both the wing and overwing are

March 2024 Fly of the Month – Devil Bug

Devil Bug In a book published in the late 70s the author relates how he had recently developed and named this fly to imitate emerging caddis on high altitude lakes in New Mexico.  Strangely enough, a number of years earlier the late Russ Malone showed me the same pattern with

Trout Stocking Schedule Available

Check the PA Fish and Boat Commission Website for the 2024 Trout Stocking Schedule. https://fbweb.pa.gov/TroutStocking Or go to our calendar to see local stocking information.

February 2024 Fly of the Month – Double Ugly

Double Ugly Although generally thought of as an attractor the Double Ugly is used successfully as a crane fly imitation on many tailwaters.  It is surmised that the high floating characteristic of the pattern imitates the female fluttering on the surface during egg laying.  The fly can be fished dead

Pike Wayne TU Annual Banquet Fundraiser

Join us for our Annual Banquet at Lukan’s Farm on April 13, 2024. Social Hour and Raffle Entries 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (cash bar)Dinner-7:00 p.m.$45.00 per person Payment by personal check made out to:Lukan’s Farm Resort Reservations Required Those wishing to attend may contactJohn HochreitherAt the meetings or at

Cabin Fever Fly Tying Programs

Join us at our meetings in January, February, and March for Fly Tying. Both beginning and experienced tyers are welcome! See the attached flyer for more information!

January 2024 Fly of the Month – Griffith’s Gnat Emerger

Griffith’s Gnat Emerger Another great midge pattern from Blue Ribbon Flies in West Yellowstone Montana.  It imitates an impaired midge struggling to free itself from its pupal shuck.  The hackle is tied in at the front of the thorax; use only a couple of turns of an undersized feather.  To
