December 2014 – Chartreuse Haze

The next fly in the haze series is a pattern I call the Chartreuse Haze. I have had success catching fish with flies that are tied with a chartreuse body, mostly caddis and attractor flies. So I figured if it works with caddis and attractors why not tie it as

November 2014 – Pink Haze

Back in April 2010 the FOM was the Purple Haze. The pattern illustrated was different than the original version created by Andy Carlson, the major difference was the use of purple dubbing for the body and a Krystal flash rib. The pattern worked well on the Lacky and other local

October 2014 – Purple Adams

With purple flies being used with great success by fly fishermen from the East to the West, why not combine two of the best fish catching designs into one pattern. The purple Adams uses the same features of a traditional Adams but with a purple body. Hook – Dry Fly

September 2014 – Coachman Clacka Caddis

Walter Wiese of Park’s Fly Shop in Gardiner, MT developed this fly out of need. The Coachman Trude had always been their top fly when drifting the Yellowstone River. One year they faced a shortage of these time consuming to tie flies and had to come up with a substitute

August 2014 – SLS

The northeast corner of Yellowstone Park has abundance of light colored mayflies that hatch throughout the summer and early autumn. In order to cover these various hatches with just one pattern the tyers at Blue Ribbon Flies developed the SLS. Although it was originated for the Slough, Lamar, Soda Butte

July 2014 – Synthetic Double Wing

Walter Wiese is head guide at Park’s Fly Shop in Gardiner, MT located on the Yellowstone River at the North entrance of Yellowstone Park. As such Walter has the opportunity to use many patterns over the course of the fishing season. He began to find success with Gary Lafontaine’s Double

June 2014 – Sparkle Dun

Tying mayfly imitations with a trailing shuck has proven to be highly productive for taking trout. One of the easiest to tie and certainly most effective is the Sparkle Dun. This pattern was developed over twenty five years ago at Blue Ribbon Flies in West Yellowstone MT. This fly is

May 2014 – Pheasant Tail Parachute

This fly is useful as a general searching pattern, an imitation of dark colored duns and also during spinner falls. The original called for pheasant tail fibers to be wound on as a body. Since the advent of zelon or antron based dubbings in pheasant tail color, replacing the fibers

April 2014 – Paul’s Para-Possum

This fly was shown to me by PWTU member Paul Grathwohl. Paul has had good success using this pattern for light colored mayflies on the Lackawaxen; particularly when the Grey Fox is on the water. When tying build up the underbody with yellow then dub a thin rough overbody. This

March 2014 – Mike’s Emerger

This fly was shown to me quite a few years ago by friend and PWTU member Mike Hedgedus. He developed it to meet the often frustrating fishing encountered during caddis emergences. This easy to tie pattern has proved successful for me and has become a permanent addition to my fly
