December 2012 – Variant Spinner

A good imitation for mayfly spinners particularly in size 12 and larger is the Variant. By changing body and hackle color a large number of spinner falls can be matched. High quality hackle should be used and tied slightly over sized. This hackle should be tied in slightly forward of

November 2012 – Isonychia Thorax

From late May on, if I arrive at the Lackawaxen just as the water level is dropping after power generation, I’ve found that the Isonychia Thorax works well on sporadically rising trout. This style of dry fly presents a realistic silhouette and provides a stable upright float. When tying, the

October 2012 – March Brown Spinner

Some years ago, after experiencing a tremendous March Brown spinner fall on the Willowemoc, I developed this fly to meet the situation. The Willowemoc has fallen on hard times lately, but good March Brown activity can be found on other area streams including the Lackawaxen. Begin the fly by tying

September 2012 – Wright’s Royal

While he was owner of The Compleat Fly Fisher shop in Wise River Montana, Phil Wright developed this attractor for fishing the Big Hole River. I believe that one of the reasons for its success is due to the fact that it is actually a good imitation of a flying

August 2012 – March Brown DOA

One day, while fishing the Lackie with fellow TU members Paul Kurinec and Bob Dunstan, Al Bowers came up to fish with us. Al’s only problem was he forgot his waders. I’ve had the misfortune of doing this myself, it sure is the quickest way to ruin a day of

July 2012 – Madison Midge

July 2012 – Madison Midge Sometimes simplicity is the answer. While fishing the Madison in August 1992, I encountered a hatch of #16 cream colored midges. The fish were picky and refused most imitations I threw at them. Luckily, I had tied some flies recommended by Gary LaFontaine in his

June 2012 – Red Quill

One of the early hatches in our area are the Hendricksons (Ephemerella subvaria). They usually start to hatch around the opening day of trout season and can last for about the next 3 weeks. Art Flick, in his classic book, Art Flick’s Streamside Guide To Naturals And Their Imitations, wrote

May 2012 – Downwing Hares Ear

A pattern that I’ve found useful on the Lackawaxen is one I call the Downwing Hare’s Ear. This fly, which is similar to a Deer Hair Caddis, can be used to imitate a specific caddis on the water or as a general searching pattern. If the fish are taking spent

April 2012 – Float n Fool

This parachute style fly was developed in the 1950’s by famous tier Wayne “Buz” Buszek for use on his local California streams. It has since become to be utilized as a general searching pattern. A gold wire rib can be added to increase the durability of the peacock herl body.

March 2012 – Quill Gordon

Another early season hatch in our area is the Epeorus pleuralis commonly called the Quill Gordon. This fly was named after Theodore Gordon, who is often called the father of dry fly fishing in America. The quill gordons may start to appear a little earlier then the hendricksons; but depending
