Developed many years ago by the people at Blue Ribbon Flies, the X Caddis still remains a very effective fly. One of the first patterns to use zelon as a trailing shuck, its success has prompted the use of this material in an ever expanding line of emergers of many different insect species. The use of inexpensive materials and ease of tying make it a very popular pattern. The fly is fished dead drift during caddis emergences. By varying the size, body color and wing color any caddis can be imitated.

Hook : Dry fly; size to match natural
Shuck : Zelon; caddis gold or caddis amber, 3/4 to 1x body length
Body : zelon or antron dubbing to match natural
Wing : Deer hair; color to match natural
Head : Trimmed butts of deer hair wing

Al Bowers

Fly tied by John Lazar

Note : All materials for tying this fly including the best deer hair available can be obtained at